In 2011, 28 organizations took up the charge to prepare 100,000 STEM teachers in 10 years.
In 2011, 28 organizations took up the charge to prepare 100,000 STEM teachers in 10 years.
In 2021, 300 organizations surpassed that goal together, preparing nearly 110,000 excellent STEM teachers.
In 2021, 300 organizations surpassed that goal together, preparing nearly 110,000 excellent STEM teachers.

Now, 100Kin10 is setting a new goal to propel us to yet greater heights.
Now, 100Kin10 is setting a new goal to propel us to yet greater heights.
Because STEM has never been more important to our future.
Because STEM has never been more important to our future.

Temperatures and oceans are rising. Pandemics, fires, floods, and other natural disasters are more common. Life is becoming more challenging, and more precarious.
Temperatures and oceans are rising. Pandemics, fires, floods, and other natural disasters are more common. Life is becoming more challenging, and more precarious.

But this is not a story of despair. This is a story of hope.
But this is not a story of despair. This is a story of hope.
When we set a big goal, band together, and unleash our unique strengths in unison, we can achieve amazing things. We did it once, and we can do it again.
When we set a big goal, band together, and unleash our unique strengths in unison, we can achieve amazing things. We did it once, and we can do it again.

In 2011, too few students had meaningful learning in science or math, technology or engineering.
In 2011, too few students had meaningful learning in science or math, technology or engineering.
President Obama elevated the need for 100,000 new, excellent STEM teachers as a national priority.
President Obama elevated the need for 100,000 new, excellent STEM teachers as a national priority.


"This network provides an opportunity for all different kinds of stakeholders to come together to develop better solutions than any of us could develop alone."- Kim Brenneman, Heising-Simons Foundation

"The intersection of passion and expertise is where change happens, and I believe 100Kin10 is where that happens."- Cherry Thompson, Teaching Channel

"100Kin10 has made it possible for me to really think big picture… and also pushed me to think about the work I’m doing in a different way."- Rex Babiera, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago
With over 300 partners, we achieved what many thought was impossible: more than 100,000 STEM teachers in 10 years.
With over 300 partners, we achieved what many thought was impossible: more than 100,000 STEM teachers in 10 years.
This could have been the final summit. But 100,000 STEM teachers was just the first of many peaks toward ending the STEM teacher shortage.
This could have been the final summit. But 100,000 STEM teachers was just the first of many peaks toward ending the STEM teacher shortage.
Now, guided by the voices of young people across the country
Now, guided by the voices of young people across the country

100Kin10 is stepping up to take on a new moonshot goal, building on our first decade and looking ahead to fuel even greater change.
100Kin10 is stepping up to take on a new moonshot goal, building on our first decade and looking ahead to fuel even greater change.

Together, we are solving it.
Together, we are solving it.